First of all, this half-spring/half-winter weather has me full swing into spring fever. I have been planning my veggie garden and what annuals I would like to plant....Oh I can't wait to play in the dirt!!! It makes me want to get out the tools and pots and my colorful rubber boots! :)
Most people make resolutions at the start of a new year, but I find myself watching all of nature "wake up" after winter and thinking "I need to come alive and make some changes in myself". Right now, I am focusing on being more positive, healthier and to really enjoy and learn in the day to day moments.
There seems to be a theme this week in my quiet times with God. I am part of a wonderful women's Bible study at my church, and we are studying who we are in God's eyes (instead of trying to reach the world's idea of value) has been wonderful. Every beautiful woman in that group has a story...joys, heartaches, struggles and strengths. We are all different, but made uniquely by our loving Heavenly Father.
We are like beautiful clay vessels molded by the Master Potter's hands. All are different shapes and have different purposes, but all are created for a function and loved by their Creator. In our Bible studies, we talked about how the vessels made in Bible times were used for ordinary, everyday jobs like cooking, cleaning, eating, storing. These items had value serving in the purpose they were created for. They were fragile, could crack or even break....We are fragile and sometimes may crack...but we contain an incredible treasure...
2 Corinthians 4:7-9 says "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us, We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed"....
Wow! how powerful is that?! We are just fragile clay pots, but if we allow the Potter who created us, fill us with His power and light, We are strong! Oh we may crack here and there, but God will hold us together....And those cracks?...well, that just lets His light shine through :)
So if you are feeling as though you are cracking under pressures? Stop and make sure that you are full to the brim with the all-surpassing power of God. Good news!...God uses cracked pots!
I hope the following pictures help give you a visual to this idea...
I painted this pot some years ago to hold flowers on my deck...
Oops, I was going to throw it away, but then I had an idea...
I decided to give it a new purpose. The light inside warms the saucer above which has fragrance oil in it. It provides a nice glow and a pleasing scent to the room. I am resolving to do the same with my life :)
awesome Allison! you never cease to amaze me with your insight to things,I am so thankful to have you as a friend,Thank you for sharing this gives me a better outlook on the things to come.God Bless You!!!
You are such a wonderful writer!! YOur blogs are always so femine! Does that make sense?
Beautiful pot and such a neat idea with the candle. Thank you for stopping by, I'm your newest follower.
How lovely! Spring is a wonderful time of rebirth, isn't it? Looking forward to seeing more of your homesteading adventures.
Hey, Allison!
Sounds like we have a few things in common....lover of Jesus Christ, homeschooling(tho I am long done with that! kids are all grown up:(, ....amateur (and i use that term very loosely!!) photographer!
Thanks for stopping by my blog....always fun to "meet" new folks!
Thank you al very much, I look forward to keeping up with you all :)
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